Pencil hc.tra-anaibib-airam@tcatnoc Resting doves on an old beech tree 2013 little boy 2018 bulb of a hyacinth 1998 toad resting under a bush 2 2015 young hedgedog 11 2015 Linda, the sick dog resting on our couch 2013 Vervet monkey collecting a fruit. 4-2005 impressive fingers of this monkey, St. Louis Zoo 2003 Resting chief baboon at the St. Louis zoo 3 2002 Baboon taking everything he can at the St. Louis zoo 7 2003 Lemurs at the St. Louis Zoo 2001 girl at the infectious diseases clinic 2005 Withering gladiola 1999 mouse in a trap 10 2017 Afflicted with AIDS and TB 2008 new born mouse 11 2001 Chameleon Kölner Zoo 2012 dragon fly 7 2015